Friday, November 5, 2010

B: correcting the midterm test

“Old Habits Die Hard” has very distinct literary style compared to other love stories. There have been so many stories, movies and books about love that we can now wonder if it is still relevant in stories as a theme. The theme of “Old Habits Die Hard”, is love, the love that a care giver gives to the person she loves, who is sick. This particular situation is relevant because it can apply to all sorts of other lovers, and people feel concerned by the strength of this love story.

First of all, love is a relevant theme because it touches people of all ages. For example, in “Old Habits Die Hard” the main characters are of old age, but the theme still has the power to touch us and make the reader understand what the woman has to go through. Even though a young reader wouldn’t relate with the old woman’s situation, because most people are not used to living that kind of situation. At a young age, it’s uncommon to have to spend all your time and energy taking care of your loved one, without expecting anything in return. For example, in the quote : “Old woman stays behind. She feeds him potatoes, eggs, milk through  a straw. She talks to him. He cannot answer. She tells him things, answers for him.”, we can see the effort that the old woman puts into her husband’s desperate state. Moreover, love is universal, that’s why the young audience can also recognize the love behind the old woman’s everyday actions, even though they don’t express their feelings the same way as implied in the story.

Secondly, love is timeless and that makes it a relevant theme even today, because people still feel concerned when it comes to love stories. Of course, the theme of love has been explained in every way that it could possibly be. For example, people still talk about Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, Bonnie and Clyde, etc.  Love is still present in our everyday life as much as it was in our ancestors’. Although love is timeless, it has taken a different form with our generation. In the story, the woman stays with her husband until the end no matter what. Nowadays, love can be as sincere, but it is less likely that couples stay together as long as mentioned in the text. Divorce is more and more common. Therefore, even if our perception of love has changed, it will always be present in our lives.
Thridly, love is a feeling that we associate to something strong and beautiful. Despite the fact that the old man is battling for his life and is described as having no control on himself. The love between the woman and the old man is strong enough to make this story beautiful, even though the context isn’t. The next quote describes perfectly this situation: “ He’ll shit, piss on the floor, run around like a madmen bedlamite [...] She kisses old man. Water in his eyes.” The persistence of love in the story makes us forget about the drama lying upon the characters. This shows how strong the emotion of love is and how we end up seeing a beautiful side to each love story.

In conclusion, love is a timeless theme that touches everyone because of its power to convey strong and beautiful emotions to the audience . We could also probably ask ourselves where did this fascination for love came from?

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