Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Writing


  1. George Orwell fought against Franco’s communists in the Spanish civil war. He came back with the desire to express his hatred of communism. After witnessing Staline’s rise to power, he decided to write a satire of the russian communism. Of course, we can question the effectiveness of Orwell’s fictionnal world in comparison to the historical events. “1984” is effective in portraying Satline’s communism.
    15, 16
    First of all, several government’s fonctions in Staline’s Russia were similar to the ones in the book. In the story, four main ministries control Oceania: the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Truth, the Ministry of Plenty and the Ministry of Peace. But these institutions are not there for the good of the population. They use different means of propaganda in order to control the population. Moreover, the governement wants the population to believe everything that Big Brother says even though it isn’t true. These are some examples of what Staline’s goevernment really did: “ Cereal production statistics rigged during the 1930’s famine; retouching photographs, as well as falsification of facts; events of the past changed so that the actions of the Soviet authorities were always portrayed positively.” Orwell’s novel is effective in comparing Staline’s communism with his fictionnal world because the governments’ actions are similar.
    Secondly, some of the characters in the book are practically identical to real historical people. Geroge Orwell faithfully based his characters on real USSR party members. For example, Big Brother in 1984 is portraying Staline. Also, the Thought Police, responsible of identifying and arresting dissidents and enemies of the Party in the book, is the same as the KGB. “ The KGB was the foreign intelligence and the domestic security arm of the Soviet Union. (…) the KGB often used brutal tactitcts that instilled fear among citizens and effectively destroyed dissent within the USSR. ” 1984 is effective because a lot of characters are inspired form people who really existed in Staline’s Russia.

  2. Thirdly, Staline and his government seeked power and control, but did not want to improve the life conditions or the happiness of the vast russian population. That is also a similarity between the real historical events and the 1984 fictionnal world because the Big Brother party does not care about the population or its needs either. The Party only wants to keep the people ignorant so that they do not question their governemnt or what he barely gives them. This quote form the book represents really well the mentality of the Party: “ The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. ” In brief, another aspect linking 1984 to Staline’s commnunism is the greedy search of power that both Staline and Big Brother did.
    15, 12, 6
    In conclusion, we can say that 1984 makes an effective comparison to Staline’s communism because there is a proximity between several literary elements and reality. For example, several characters in the book are referring to real historical people and the governemnts’ fonctions are quite similar. Also, the need of power of both Staline and Big Brother show that they had the same approach in leading a population. Of course, we could ask ourselves if someday, it would be possible that a world, like George Orwell described, exists.
    12, 9,
    (549 words)
    3 Sources?
    Content 20: 16
    Coherence 20: 16
    Style and Syntax 20: 15
    Vocabulary 20: 15
    Grammar 10: 8.5
    Spelling and punctuation 10: 8.5

    Total 100: 79
